3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Buying Social Media Ads

Every startup needs effective product promotion, and social media with millions of users are ideal for this purpose.

However, today’s social media are so saturated with ads that people are more annoyed by it than attracted. Therefore, for your social media ads to be truly effective, you will need to spend a lot of money and creativity.

We think this is foolish because 90% of the time, people just scroll past the ads, forcing you to spend more money to reach more people.

You may ask the question: how then do we propose to promote your product in a more effective and cost-effective way than traditional social media ads? Our answer is MentionMaster! This tool will make you forget about social media ads.

Meet MentionMaster: New Marketing Tool

MentionMaster is an AI that organically promotes your product on Reddit, Twitter, Hacker News, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

Rest assured, this unique marketing method will attract more customers than social media advertising because it promotes your product unobtrusively, only at the right time and to the right people.

How Does MentionMaster Work?

MentionMaster automatically scans all social media to find discussions or posts where people are facing problems that your product can easily solve. It then pitches your product to them as a solution to their problems.

  • How does it sell your product to people? To do this, MentionMaster uses AI bots that generate unique comments recommending your product under all found publications or discussions.
  • Bots don’t just comment on a post; they create entire interesting discussions so that a comment recommending your product becomes more visible among other comments.
  • Rest assured, bot comments will look just like those from a real person, because MentionMaster features a unique AI specifically trained to generate the most human-like responses. This includes slang, real-life examples, comparisons, typos, obscenities, jokes, and many other communication nuances.
  • Additionally, you can train this AI to become an expert on your product’s topic. Thanks to this feature, bots will not only generate human-like comments, but will also be as relevant as possible to the theme of your product.

The process runs 24/7 and is fully automated, requiring no intervention.

Why MentionMaster Trumps Traditional Ads?

CriteriaSocial Media AdsMentionMaster
EngagementMost social media users scroll past ads, preoccupied with their activities. Thus, you need a compelling promotional post to instantly capture their interest.You will achieve maximum engagement because you offer your product when people need it. Plus, you don’t need any promotions at all; MentionMaster will do all the work for you.
BudgetAttracting clients with traditional advertising requires substantial spending for broad reach, which not everyone can afford.Refunds if your subscription hasn’t paid off within a month. Anyone can use MentionMaster, with a wide range of plans available, including a free option.
EfficiencyMinimal efficiency. To attract a reasonable number of clients, you need to spend a lot of money.Maximum efficiency. You will attract the same number of clients while spending much less money.

Are There Any Cons to Using MentionMaster?

Of course, everything has its downsides, and MentionMaster is no exception. Therefore, perhaps the main disadvantage of this tool is that it is not suitable for all startups.

  • If you have a specific product for a very narrow category of people, MentionMaster may not be as effective in promoting it, because there may be very few people and discussions on social networks where your product can provide help and generate interest.


Social media ads is primarily a way to generate profit for the social network itself, so their main goal is simply to take money from you, not to advertise your product effectively.

MentionMaster, on the other hand, is focused on efficiency; its goal is not just to advertise your product to everyone, but to find and win the ideal client for you.

Of course, which marketing method to choose is up to you, but we think the choice is obvious. MentionMaster is not just an advertising tool; it is a comprehensive and modern marketing strategy that guarantees maximum efficiency with a minimum budget.

Stop using old methods, immerse yourself in the modern world of new technologies, start attracting many clients, and quickly grow your startup right now with MentionMaster.


